Station 29 is located in the lower end of town on RT 611. Station 29 was recently upgraded in 2019 to accommodate the current needs of the company. The growth of the department out grew the amenities of the old station which created a need for improvements. The updated station has 5 apparatus bays, a full kitchen, large crew area, multiple storage closets, large meeting room, conference room, bunk rooms, numerous offices, and a watch desk area. This station houses an Engine, Ladder, and Rescue. This is also the main station used for meetings and company events.
Interested in seeing the station, and learning more? Stop by on a Tuesday night during our drill or meeting.
Members gear racks at Station 29
Officers gear racks at Station 29
Crew Lounge at Station 29. Provides the members an area to relax during time in station
The not so fun part. Offices of the Chief and the Company President. Both are faced with the administrative duties of the department. There is a lot of paperwork, policies, and reports that are needed to keep the trucks going out the door on calls.
The kitchen area provides members a place to cook their meals and eat. When members are in the station standing by it is similar to being at home with a family. Meals are made together, and eaten together. The kitchen table is also a place where many trainings and stories are shared between members to pass down information.
The line officers office gives officers a place to coordinate training, and keep up to date on reports.
When members are staying in the station, the bunk room provides a quite comfortable place for the members to get some rest when there are no calls for service.
Company meeting room. The place where monthly meetings are held, as well as numerous trainings for members.
Trophy case and memorabilia around the firehouse.